Stuck Between a Rock and Another Rock

So, it’s a hot summer, I’m outside holding some gross, sweaty tennis racket, my dad is complaining about how much I absolutely suck, and I’m trying to hit. Yeah, thanks Dad. After nagging him back, I hit the ball, and it kind of…doesn’t make it to the other side. There are sighs from both of us as the sun continue to beat down on my exhausted shoulders. No bueno. He says, “Y’know what, let’s go get some ice cream. It’s way too hot for this…”


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Appreciating the Arts: The Tragedy of an Eight Year Old (Kind Of)

“Where’s your piano binder?”

“I threw it into the pond.”

When I was younger, a long, long, very long time ago, I did not appreciate art at all. Like an underlying dislike. It was bad enough to the point that I rebelliously threw away my notebooks filled with my music composition, which annoyed my mom to all ends. But hey, I was eight and stubborn.


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To the Fellow Artist


Art, one of the most appreciated things on this earth, is also one of the most difficult. Oh, I love art, I really do. Although sometimes, many times, I become frustrated. Very frustrated. Frustrated with hints of anger and disappointment in myself. But, that is just a phase that can always be fixed. Therefore, I wanted to share some of the key mottos I (try) to live by. I hope that with my advice in mind you’ll be able to become a bigger, badder artist.

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